
Print brief research and planning

  Research and planning blog tasks 1) Find at least  five  music magazine front covers  (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience) and research music magazine key conventions. For each one, pick out  one design idea, convention  or  image/text style  that you could use in your own print work. A few examples to start you off: 1. Masthead: T he title of a newspaper or magazine at the head of the first or editorial page. I will want to use this magazine convention for my own music magazine as I want my readers to know the title of who produced this magazine cover. Increase my brand awareness. 2. Barcode: A form of scanning items and finding out how much they cost as well if it does not already say the price on the cover screen. I will want to use a barcode in front of my music magazine cover to make it looks more authentic and real....

Statement of Intent feedback and learner response

  BUTT, Muhammed Mark: 4   Grade: D   Comments for AQA:   This is an incredibly detailed statement of intent with regards to the music video element of the brief but lacks reference to print or much on the key concepts beyond language. This keeps in it level 2 despite the music video concept clearly meeting the brief. Indeed, it targets the specified audience largely appropriately and outlines an appropriate narrative. Media language elements are considered for the music video but not the print brief. Explanation of shots is often provided but overall this reads more like a pre-production shot list rather than a statement of intent.  Representation is not really addressed in this statement – reference to narrative theory instead which is a key weakness that keeps it to the lower levels. Some reference to gender/masculinity puts this into level 2. Audience is addressed but perhaps needs more reference to the brief. Media industries and digital convergence address...

Hall Of Fame (Rough-cut)


Music video pre-production

  1)  Music video treatment You may already have a finished music video treatment from your summer project and/or preliminary exercise - definitely use or develop that if it works with your project.  However, you may need to update your treatment or even change it completely now you have finished your preliminary exercise. The  original example from the summer for music video treatments can be found here . Scene 1: Opening shot of Obaida in the toilets looking at himself in the mirror. Putting on his boxing gloves and shoes (sponsorship) looks a bit anxious and afraid from the looks on his face.   Scene 2: Him coming out the toilets and getting into the ring. About to fight his opponent a big guy who is twice his size.  Scene 3: Obaida and his opponent start fighting. Obaida losing the match getting beaten up badly some spit comes flying out from his mouth. Scene 4: Obaida loses the match and gets knocked out. After the match everyone begins talking an...