Lighting blog tasks

 1) Still image analysis

Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for each image:
  1. Identify examples of high and low-key lighting.
  2. Say which depict topback or under lighting.
  3. What effects are created by the lighting in each image?
    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-3.jpg

    *More top/undergoing light. Top light to see more of the persons facial expression and under lighting  
    * Low-key lighting: Strong contrast between dark than light. Makes the image look more mysterious and raises questions of who this person is.
    * No filler (to soften any shadows) lights used. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Annex%20-%20Dietrich,%20Marlene%20(Shanghai%20Express)_03.jpg
    *Low-key lighting/soft lighting: can see a lot of her face which connotes to her facial expressions that we can see more clearly of which is expressionless. Low-key lighting- harsh contrast between light and dark as in the image there is more dark than lighting being shown which can connote to mystery.
    *Top lighting: see much of her face from above as the light is shining right onto her face.

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\macbeth_rgb.jpg
    *High-key lighting: lack of contrast between light and dark.
    *Back lighting: shows whole persons body and shoulder are more clearly visible as the producer is deliberately trying to make the man stand out from the background. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Sin_City_005.jpg_cmyk.jpg
    *Low-key lighting: contrast between light and dark. Can give connotations its a action/mystery film.
    *Top lighting: see much of Bruce Willis's face more clear and his facial expressions which show a look of seriousness.
    *Back lighting: clearly can see the droplets that are coming off from Bruce and around him making him stand out more. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Psycho_1.jpg
    *High key lighting: lack of contrast between light and dark clearly can see what is going on in the image.Look of fear on the woman's face.
    *No filler lighting.

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-4.jpg
    *High key lighting: clear kissing makes it look more realistic.
    *Back lighting: focusing on the couple kissing and blurring out the rest of the background. Wants all the attention on them and them only. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\clockwork1.jpg
    *Low key lighting: contrast between light and dark. Makes the image look mysterious.
    *Back lighting: silhouettes clearly being shown. Can't see none of there faces just their body which raises questions (enigma codes) to who they are.  
    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\chienandolou1_cmyk.jpg
    *Low key lighting: harsh contrast between light and shadow.
    *No filler lighting. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Joanofarc1.jpg
    *High key lighting: clearly can see everything going on in the image can see the persons face and body language clearly.
    *Back/filler lighting: can visibly see the persons shoulders and whole body trying to make the person stand out more. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\H_003_rgb.jpg
    *Low key lighting: strong contrast between light and dark.
    *Back lighting: able to see Michael Myers body clearly even though it's in a low key setting. 

    E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\double.jpg
    *Filler and back lighting: A lot of light on there faces and the couple are stand
    *High key lighting
    *Soft lighting: Creates a more romantic scene in the image no heavy shadows around. 
2) Film noir research 

Research film noir - focusing on the genre’s distinctive lighting style. Make notes on the genre and particularly the use of lighting - bullet points are fine. 
Film Noir uses 
low-key lighting to create extreme silhouettes and dark shadows. Film noir directors use vivid light-and-shade contrasts to reveal more about a character's true intentions than their words. Film noir focuses on genres such as crime or drama or horror or thriller as it focuses on peoples intentions in the film and with a lot of the film being mostly in low-key lighting it gives off that crime or mystery or horror genre as we can't see much of what happens in the film and see what the characters do or plant.

3) Film noir YouTube clip analysis 

Finally, find a YouTube clip that fits the film noir genre and embed it under your research (the clip can be classic noir from the 1950s or something more recent - neo-noir). How does the clip's lighting fit the film noir genre? 

This is the trailer from the 'Fear in the Night' which came out in 1974 which helps reinforce the idea of film noir as in the beginning of the clip everything is shot in low-key lighting with very limited visual of the surroundings in the clip and all we can denote is a mysterious figure with only one of their hand showing which looked gloved and nothing else is given away which creates that feeling of suspense or mystery. Furthermore, the use of the name of the film being called 'Fear in the Night' can get the audience thinking and questioning about creating enigma codes about what's so scary in the night or who is it that brings the 'fear' into the night.


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