Editing video feedback/learner response
1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.
*Match on action at the start is spot on walking through door, could perhaps be a little smoother getting to chair.
*Good framing for OTS shot/reverse shot (focus wobble aside) and follows 180 rule.
*Huge issue is audio- could not hear the dialogue at all due to music volume and distortion of dialogue audio track. Very important lesson for coursework.
2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.
*Good 180 shot.
*Mathc on action.
*180 shot.
*Followed 180 rule.
*Shot reverse shot.
*Music background.
*180 rule.
*180 and reverse shot really good.
*Good use of contrapuntal sound.
*Shot reverse shot/ 180 rule.
*Match on action.
*Good rule of 180.
*Sohail looked cute in a beanie.
*Sohail is short.
*Good camera framing.
*The audio isn't clear.
*Music way too loud to hear the audio.
*Sound- can't hear dialogue over song.
*Sound editing unclear- dialogue.
*Audio not clear- music too loud.
*Can't hear what you are saying.
*Audio is terrible.
*Audio so loud- dialogue can't be heard.
*Can't hear a single word.
*Audio should be tuned more down to hear dialogue.
*Microphone was bum.
*Muhammed spoke English.
*Audio levels.
*Audio is muffled and music is too loud.
I felt like I met the brief successfully as I did meet and achieve all the key three editing aspects (Match on action, 180 rule, Shot reverse shot) in my video.
4) What were the strengths and weaknesses of your final film? Write a detailed analysis picking out specific shots, edits and any other aspect of film language you think is relevant.
I feel like my match on action at the beginning of my video was perfect as it was very smooth of me coming from outside and then the shot changing me coming into the room and shutting the door behind me. What I feel like really let me down was the audio as the use of my contrapuntal music was way to loud which lead to the dialogue between me and Sohail becoming absolutely distorted and muffled.
5) Learner response: what aspect of editing did you find most difficult? What have you learned from this process that will help you when you start the actual coursework later this year?
The most difficult part of editing I found for this coursework was trying to get the smoothness and the cuts all in the right places in time. This is because during my cuts and editing I was doing it became difficult for me to cut at the right time of the dialogue between me and Sohail so I had to be precise and on target for when I was cutting the dialogue between each other. I have learnt many things during this process which will 100% help for when the real coursework happens as I have now learnt how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and feel more comfortable around using it as at the start of they year I had no clue on how to edit and cut my scenes or place them all into the right order and due to these many practical task we have been set I have begun to improve and do more better in my editing. What I wished I spent some time on was the After Effects on Adobe as I still have yet to try them out and to see how to add and create effects into my actual coursework next year.
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