Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

 1) State the song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise.

The Script - Hall of Fame ft.

2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. 

Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene.

Rocky III • Eye of the Tiger • Survivor


* The editing of this music video has the same feel as the one in Hall of Fame due to the match on action when the beat drops.

*The use of the mise-en-scene such as the boxing ring and boxing gloves shows a relation to the Hall of Fame narrative as their music video is partly focused (along with other different narratives) on two boxers fighting and in this music video it shows off that same narrative.

Imagine Dragons - Believer

* Switches from the visuals  to the instruments itself.
* Shows the narrative first before the music artists.

Ed Sheeran - Shape of You

*Same narrative in music video such as the use of the boxing gloves and setting of boxing gym. Helps relate to The Hall Of Fame video. 

3) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can find an example of a treatment here. If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project.

My music video will be around 40-45 seconds long even though it is meant to be a 30 second long short exercise so I can try and create the opening of my music video. The opening shot will be in a park with my actor using the gym equipment provided in the park. They will use each gym equipment in the park and then for the final finishing shot with them doing some boxing right in the centre of the park.  

4) Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing (in a music video you will find you need FAR more shots than you think, particularly close-ups). These additional shots can be close-ups, alternative angles or something more creative. I advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word/Google Docs to set out your shot list - you can find an example here (this is from narrative film making but the same format can be used for any video project)

Long-Shot: Obaida coming to the gym equipment and getting himself ready to use it.
Medium Shot: Showing Obaida's arms with him using the pull up bars to signify his strength. 
Close-Up Shot: Obaida's face showing the determination and sweat. 
Medium Close Up Shot: Towards end of video to show that Obaida has accomplished his taks of working out. 

5) Plan your mise-en-scene: what iconography are you including to ensure your audience understands the genre and style of your artist? Plan your settings, costume, make-up, props and lighting. 

Setting: Park - using gym equipment. 
Costume: Tight t-shirt - to show off muscles and strength
Make-up: Spray a bit of water onto Obaida's face and body to show off sweat and that he is working hard. 
Props: Gym equipment - Such as pull up bar/ Leg raise. 
Lighting: Natural day light to get the best shots possible (Need this for shadow boxing as well). 

6) Plan a shooting schedule that will ensure everything is filmed by the deadline. Include when, where, who is required, planned equipment and any other aspects you need to arrange. 

This will be filmed all in a park around 10:00-11:00 in the morning to ensure I can get the best natural light I can to help me get the best shots. The people who will be in my music video will be Obaida who will be the main actor and Sohail helping to plan out the shots. I will be in charge of filming all the shots making sure they are all filmed correctly and fit the frame. The only equipment I shall have will be my phone top film with. 


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